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Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics Debug Extension

GTM Debug Extension is a Chrome Extension to ease the task of debugging Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics Implementations. It’s focused on providing the most data possible and in the best readable format.

Included Features:

  • View all dataLayer pushes
  • Copy dataLayer details to clipboard in a formatted way
  • View the current dataLayer model details for each dataLayer push
  • View all Universal Analytics Hits sent by pages
  • Filter the hits by their type and property ids
  • View the Enhanced Ecommerce Data in a visual and sortable way, no more wasting of time trying to decryp the hits payloads
  • Check the hit payload size, type, method and if it’s contains any Enhanced Ecommerce data without needing to dig around the request headers and payload.
  • Added a message alert to let the users know they have to reload the page on the first extension load
  • More to come …


Version 0.0.4   Release Date:AUG 01, 2018

[New Feature] Ecommerce Hits headers shows the dimension names instead of keys
[New Feature] Enhanced Ecommerce Tab shows a live counter of the current Actions sent
[New Feature] Hits Parameters can now be "translated" to definitions
[New Feature] Total ECC Hits Report Overview Block
[New Feature] Added Promotions Clicks Reporting
[New Feature] Added Checkout Options Reporting
[Improvement] GTM Detection Improved, now it's more reliable and faster
[Improvement] CSS Tweaks
[Improvement] Reported URL is now adapted to current viewport, full url still visible onhover
[Improvement] Enhanced Ecommerce Reports are not consolidated
[Bug Fix] Enhanced Ecommerce Reporting failing if no products on the push ( checkout steps )
[Bug Fix] Enhanced Ecommerce Reporting failed if products dimensions lenght were not the same on the hit
[Bug Fix] Enhanced Ecommerce Reporting if there were more than 2 tables sorting only worked for the first one
[Bug Fix] Enhanced Ecommerce Checkout Steps Products Reporting if not products on the payload
[Bug Fix] Race Condition preventing UA Filtering Select to show up for some pages
[Bug Fix] decodeURIComponent giving URI mal-format errors for some values ( % )

Version 0.0.3   Release Date:JUL 14, 2018

[New Feature] - Enhanced Ecommerce Report Beta ( Demo Video: YouTube )
[Bug Fix] - Console Errors thrown to console on console on some sites.
[Bug Fix] - Hit/Properties filters not applying to the proper page report. 
[Bug Fix] - Clipboard always sending back the last page details pushes info instead of the requested one.
[Bug Fix] - Hit details expands not working properly. Now they are expanded properly. 

Version 0.0.2 (First Public Release)  Release Date:JUL 7, 2018